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Characteristics of the Plastic Pallets

Characteristics of the Plastic Pallets

The dissemination of the plastic pallets began at the end of the 70, above all in Europe and in the United States, being stimulated by the NIFM N 15 international standard.

Nowadays, the plastic pallets have a wide variety of models, depending on the weights, dimensions and loading charges, and offer a great stability if compared to the wood pallets, these ones having a weight and dimensions that vary depending on the humidity levels.

One of the main advantages of the plastic pallets is their life cycle, on average 5 times longer than the wood ones. Moreover, as they are recyclable, they are a more ecological and more economic alternative, because of the significant cost value recovered. The use of recyclable and recycled materials, coming from other plastic pallets, permits to reduce CO2 levels, thus contributing to the protection of the environment.

Right from the beginning, Congost Plastic, S.A. has been promoting and strengthening the plastic pallets market, betting on its introduction and development. The plastic pallets ensure an easy handling, as well as a great resistance to the acids and chemicals and to the daily use. Moreover, Congost Plastic, S.A. has developed a design and a structure that facilitate their cleaning.

At present, Congost Plastic, S.A. has a wide range of pallets that suit all your needs and keep our motto: to offer the best quality. In order to do that we apply the latest available technologies for the injection of plastic pallets, offering thus an excellent resistance to impacts and to the today use demands.

Thanks to these technologies, we have a long-life and versatile pallet, with an excellent performance.


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